Page 10 - Teen Explorer 7 new - zeszyt ćwiczeń
P. 10


        1  Uzupełnij zdania 1–8 nazwami sklepów.              4  Uzupełnij konwersację. W każdą lukę możesz
                                                                 wpisać jedno słowo.
            1  You can buy a T-shirt at a c       s       .
            2  You can buy a newspaper at a n             .      Waiter:    Hello. Can I        you?
                                                                 Customer:        I have a cup of tea,       ?
            3  You can have a cup of tea at a c           .
                                                                 Waiter:    Of course. Anything        ?
            4  You can buy meat at a b                    .      Customer:   Yes, please. I’d        a cake.
            5  You can buy painkillers at a c             .                 (Later …)
            6  You can take out some money at a b         .      Waiter:    Here        are.
                                                                 Customer:   Thank       .
            7  You can buy vegetables at a g              .
            8  You can buy bread at a b                   .   5  Zastąp podkreślone słowa w dialogu zaimkami
                                                                 one lub ones.
        2  Co jeszcze możesz kupić w wymienionych
            sklepach? Uzupełnij listę.                             Example:
                                                                  Shop assistant:   Which cake would you like?
          clothes shop      newsagent’s       butcher’s
             T-shirt         magazine           meat             Shop assistant:  Can I help you?
              jeans         newspaper         sausages           Customer:      Can I have a bag, please?
                                                                 Shop assistant:  Of course. Which bag would you

                                                                 Customer:      Can I have the blue bag?
                                                                 Shop assistant:  Here you are. Anything else?
                                                                 Customer:      Yes, I’d like two notebooks.
            chemist’s      greengrocer’s       baker’s           Shop assistant:   Would you like the red notebooks,
                                                                                or the green notebooks?       ,
            painkillers      tomatoes        white bread
             plasters         bananas           cake             Customer:        I’d like a red notebook, and a green
                                                                                notebook, please.        ,

                                                                 Shop assistant:  Here you are.
                                                                 Customer:      Thank you.

                                                              6  Uzupełnij zdania 1–5 zaimkami one lub ones.
        3  W jakich sklepach mógłbyś usłyszeć te fragmenty
            rozmów? Wpisz nazwy w podane miejsce.                1  Can you see those girls over there?
                                                                    The        in the blue uniforms are my
            1  A: I need something for my allergy.                  schoolmates!
               B: Here you are, this syrup should help.          2  You can take my pen. Which one do you want?
                                                                    The blue         or the red
            2  A: Please don’t make it too hot. I need it to go.           ?
               B:  OK, sure. Do you have your own cup or do you   3  Which is your parents’ car? The         on
                 need a plastic one?                                the left?
                                                                 4  My shoes are too small. I need some new
            3  A: It’s too small. Do you have it in a bigger size?         .
               B: Yes, but only in blue.                         5  I can lend you my video games if you want.
                                                                    Which         do you want to borrow?
            4  A:  Oh, I have this issue, I wanted the latest one
                 from this month.                             7       Dopiszcie w zeszycie początki i zakończenia
               B: Sorry, we don’t have it yet.                   do dwóch dialogów z zadania 3. Zaprezentujcie
                                                                 w klasie. Klasa zgaduje nazwę sklepu.
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